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EPF Agent

This is how to become a EPF Agent:

First go to the Everyday Phoning Facility. When you enter, you might hear a ringing sound. If you don’t, get someone to invite you to the EPF by sending a postcard to you.

Once you hear the sound, press the TV screen.

Go through the test and if you win you should become a EPF Agent!

You can do to the EPF HQ by walking through the entrance.


What you can do:

1) Spy Phone

You can do a lot on the EPF spy phone. To launch it press the button on the bottom right hand corner.

You can teleport to different locations, recruit people, activate your EPF puffle and more.

2) Spy Gear

When you press the gear button on the phone the spy gear option comes up.

3) Missions

You can do missions by going to the option on the phone.

Or going to the right and the pop up for the missions will appear.


4) Mini game

You can play the mini game by going to the system defender place.

The game will load.

You can get coins from this mini game.

This is all you need to know about the EPF!
